When negativity meets positivity, life neutralizes and meets its balance.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Entry 598: 爱了 就会懂了

不是谁经历的越多痛苦 谁就越有经验 
越是不能长久的和一个人在一起 可能那代表你对爱不够认识
也许是你自己 不够了解 爱 

朋友 和爱你的人
在你失落 无助的时候
说句 “他不值得你去爱” 或 “他会后悔错过你” 
真正 会后悔的 是之后还迷恋以往经历过的快乐
真正会后悔的 是那些到死去的那刹那 还是孤独的

每个人的世界里 都会有个爱自己的人
不论是什么 庆幸吧 你得过幸福

太过完美的爱 不存在
把 再完美不过的两个人放在一起,他们也不一定会永远幸福
老天总有办法考验 正觉得最幸福的人 
什么是 苦 
能够坚强 冲破所有障碍的人 也不代表一定得到最终的荣誉
一直跌到的人 也不代表不能走到最理想的结局

我不知道 我的爱情 能走多远
但我知道 他是我最正确的选择
希望 再大的风浪 我们都能安全地度过

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Entry 597: Damage of the Spoken

I wish words were like little toy guns
No sting, no hurting no one
Just a bang bang rolling off your tongue

No smoke, no bullets
No kick from the trigger when you pull it
No pain, no damage done

I wish they didn't cut like a knife
I wish they didn't break you inside
I wish they didn't bang bang make you wanna run

What are words 
If you really don't mean them when you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times then they're done

When it's love
You say them out loud
Those words, they never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Entry 596: Where.. is our destination?

When was the last time you give this a thought? 
Where will you end up?
Who will you become?
What do you want to do?

Will you be able to put forth the last step without being weary and exhausted?
How far will you go with your will?
How long can you sustain?
How much can you endure?

We, humans, long forgotten what 'hardship' means.
We take simple sums in life as 'challenges'.
We deem minor obstacles as major 'life-changing point'.
We think people are being difficult and stubborn when they don't follow our way.
We think that it is impossible just because we have to go the extra mile to get it done.
We wondered, why? Why me? FML.

There are many things in life that we have exaggerated now.
So many possible impossibles..
So many underlying reasons that are actually really quite simple to understand...
yet, with the thought that technology is advancing and people are upgrading, we probably just hope that people would use the cognitive part of the brain instead of socio-emotional part. 

We are, in fact, handicapped in our development.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Entry 595: 遇见 只为了能说再见

相识 只为了分离
在最没准备下 听了一句你要离开这大家庭的消息
脸上傻笑着 不知道该用什么语言 来表达这怪怪的心情
不知道该用什么表情面对 你将不会再和我一起 跑步 吃饭 逛街 说笑 教书 的事实
人的一生 能合得来的人有几个
更何况是 同事兼朋友
即使有说有笑 也不能保证 会一直延续
今晚灰灰的天 更让我觉得心好空……

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Entry 594: A reminder to myself.

There are many things that change over time. Gradually or drastically. Be it habitual or sudden.

When things happen, we blame ourselves and the ones that affected us. We try to find a way out to make ourselves feel better. We forgot the times we smiled, we loved, we treasured.

Humans change. Feelings change. When we get weary and dreadful of all the disagreements, how long more can we hold on? 

I've been through breakups. Most of us did. And of all the times we cried like hell, we pulled through. Here, some of us stood tall and happy again. Some of us go through the same hell over again. No matter where we are, we survived and will still survive. 

Love is fragile. Being together means more than just what we could define. 
Love is humble? No. It is selfish. 
Love is free? No. It binds us.
Love cares? No, it is more self-centered than we thought.
Love drives great stories? No. It doesn't always give us happily ever after.
Love is unconditional? No. It demands for returns.
Love means that differences can be worked out? No. It always remembers how much we have compromised.
Love is holding on and never letting go? No. This is abstract. Death is bigger than love.
Love is a promise? No. It breaks promises.
and it goes on..

Whatever positive definition you can think of, they always come with a 'but'. It's either here or there. 
It is not easy to love. It is even harder to stay together for the rest of our lifetime just dedicating our soul and heart to that special someone we vowed to be with till old age and death. 

I know, we have happy times, sad times.. I'm not trying to pull Love down. You can feel so loved and the next moment or years down the road, you start to realize, it takes more than just love. And yet, it can't survive without love. 

We can't forget the times we weren't supported, loved, cherished, committed, taken care of, accepted, understood, respected...We always remember those bad times cos their impact are always the greatest. Emptiness feels a million fold stronger than love. 

I am in no position to lecture about Love. I've stumbled and did lots of regretful stuff. I'm not an expert and will never be. I'm still trying.. and I don't know if that would happen to us. I told him, I wish we will never go that way. I hope we can go on and on, holding hands..

I've never dreamed of something bigger than having a happy family. As young as I am, I envisage being grandparents with him. I want us to witness the major phases of our children's growth. This, my greatest and biggest dream, with him, with myself, with them.

P.S: Remind yourself the vows exchanged, the happy moments shared..

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Entry 593: 风 让我放松

今晚的我 竟然主动问老公要不要带女儿们下楼走走。
一到楼下,两人就直往商店去。我也跟着 买了我想买的^_^

就今晚 让我在这留下 这看似微不足道的记忆


Monday, March 14, 2016

Entry 592: Try.

when they come together.. A broken piece, a touch of the unspoken

"Take a breath, look into the mirror at yourself."
"Listening to the sound of my tears"
"More than a couple times"
"Even when it's not right"
"Some search, never finding a way"
"When hope begins to fade"
"Sadness is beautiful loneliness that's tragical"
"Pretending not to know the difference"

"When we were younger and free"
"We can make a million promises"
"Sweet destiny"
"Carried me through desperation"
"What we share is magic"
"Heaven had a plan"


Have been trying to change something. Keeping myself calmed and persevering.
Yet, sometimes I'm baffled. Disappointed at the same time how factors clash
How things affect the lives of humans. How opinions drown the world like water they drink.
I'm not regretting, I'm still trying. And I hope, one day, I'll see the fruit of my effort.

Entry 591: I am blessed

Times I feel neglected and less appreciated or loved..
I forgot the sheer fact that having you around is a blessing enough.
I would not have been more certain if I would marry someone else
And bore his children.
I have faith, because of you.

The sight of you and the children, bonding together.
The words you said with confidence that our daughters will tell you about their relationships instead of telling me.
The roles and responsibilities you took and shouldered to make future possible.
I do know, i really do.

In case I made you feel stressed out with all the big plans you have because I am still not thinking as deep as you, I'm sorry. I will try my best and we will make ends meet together. I believe, because we have walked this far..

You made me feel assured and I want this security throughout. I don't have to worry, oh, if I do have something, I lost to your games and children. Of course, work that you just have to follow up too but I understand (a bit) else we will have lesser income >.<

My love, my husband, father of my girls, my walking calculator, my seem-to-know-all encyclopedia~
Annoying still, not romantic and not showing enough affection~ but okay, I will forgive your flaws.
