Yesterday, I was bored the whole morning. Managed to do some sorting of sun-dried beansprout husks from the leaves to kill time. It was only until 4pm that my mom decided to go and take her shower and we headed to Lot1 Shopper Mall for some grocery shopping.
Reached home at about 7pm and I thought my hubby would be knocking off to accompany me. Sadly, while having dinner with his friend, he received a call asking if he could work extra. He told me it is for the sake of the baby and a return of favour for his 'superior'. So, I think I didn't have any choice either. Held back my tears and kept sticking onto him while he was eating and smoking (i didnt inhale his cigg's). I'm really a glue when it comes to separation. I don't like it at all.
Seeing him off at the door was terrible. Down goes the curve of my lips.. and tears rolled down after he disappeared from the edge of the wall. To you, it may seem stupid. But I was waiting the whole day for him to come home and the very thing I know next was an extra work til "earliest 2 to 3am" (replied by his friend). It was only going 9pm when he got that call.
Oh well, it has passed and I was glad he managed to wake up for work this morning! Just a lil heartache to see him getting this bit of rest :(
Anyways, today is the second day of my advanced maternity leave. My estimated due date is 27 June, but I just can't wait! I want it to come out quickly!
Woke up at 9am and lazed for an hour before getting up. Washed up and breakfast was ready! (thanks to my mom-in-law who boiled and fried potato with egg)
Vacuumed the floor and did a quick vacuum of the table top and other areas as my parents-in-law wanted to head out for some light lunch! Had some laughs about the names over lunch with them.. Should be coming down with some serious business of my babygirl's name soon!
PIL felt that I would be bored at home so they decided to 'take me' for a walk at Bangkit's market before going home. Really appreciated the thought of concern ;)
The most satisfying part of the day was the cleaning up of the room. I wiped the surfaces of the cupboard, glass, fans, and WALLS!! I shouldn't be climbing but the cleanliness after doing the cleaning made me feel so happy! :D Not just so, I washed some baby towels and bibs too!
Time passed quickly today and I didn't lament that much over boredom. Something good! Hopefully tomorrow will be alright too. Staying home just isn't my style. I need to 'run'! haha
Shall be blogging every day since I have nothing better to do other than upkeeping the cleanliness of the room.
Babygirl oh babygirl.. just when are you arriving to this world~~
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