When negativity meets positivity, life neutralizes and meets its balance.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Entry 582: Merry Post X'mas and Happy Boxing day

Boxing day.. Somewhat like a second Christmas and it is in some European countries.

How was your Christmas this year? I am hoping to receive 2014 Christmas with merrier hearts (: you?

But before 2014 comes, I wanna celebrate with my friends, my dear sisters.. Hopefully I could get at least one or two of them to join me in counting down..! (and if Hubby approves)

Have started binging a lil.. *laughs* never ending.. As usual I continued to eat even when I said I want to diet >-<

oh wells.

Went to Hubb's workplace to wait for him to knock off.. Then off we go to RWS's newly opened Slappycakes. Peeps do check out the new outlet ya! It is located at Waterfront Station, near to the water fountain there!

Oh this photo with Claire was taken at Grandstand's Vitala. Pardon her crudeness. HAHA!
@ RWS's Slappy cakes..

Gonna miss the bunch of people at M.A.D and SC there..
How they play and tease Claire.. ^^