When negativity meets positivity, life neutralizes and meets its balance.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Entry 583: And both of us grinned ear to ear..

Was in a dilemma -  to have or not to have?

He said, "People do no know, and they grieve when they lost theirs. But only doctor's instinct can tell that the reason why it did not survive was because it has some abnormalities that if he/she were to be given birth, he/she will suffer."


Lets just hope all will be well.

P.s: 宝宝,要知道不管别人说什么,你是爹地妈咪期待已久的。当我们知道你的存在时,我们都笑了。希望你在妈咪肚子里健康强壮的成长。你要做个正常又快乐的人、孝顺父母、尊敬长辈、人见人爱。爱你哟!